Currently occupying a workshop at the center of an emerging cultural hub at the old airport at Fornebu. With a large workshop on the ground level this is where the entirety of the furniture designed for and with my clients is produced. The workshop specializes in unique interior lighting producing umparalleled ambiance reminiscent of the original light source: the flickering flame. In addition the workshop holds educational courses for students interested in diving into the processes of craftsmanship.
A Personal Story of Unpredictability
On the costal half-isle of Split in Yugoslavia, a few years prior to its collapse, I was born to a father of practical skill and a free-bird mother. Living with the grandparents my early boyhood memories are those of my grandfather breathing life into newly dreamt up creations. Among these, one in particular: the windmill he built to harness electricity remains for me a permanent reminder of how simple materials worked by a skillful hands can combine into objects of great value and functional beauty.
The first major crossroad of my life came at the age of 12 when I was torn away from that childhood and set half a globe away in a foreign land to face the challanges of onsetting adolescence. Unrooted and having been assigned the role of “an outsider” these teenage years were marked by solitude and comfort sought in the anonymity of the digital world culminating in a degree in Control Engineering and the promise of a long office career built on dreams unlived.